Over the past two years, brands are seeing their Facebook reach drop which means their posts are only being seen by roughly 5% of their fans. Why is this? It’s not a secret that Facebook tweaks their algorithm regularly, but it can be time-consuming to keep up with the changes.
This week, some of our team members had a chance to attend Digital Summit online and learned a few helpful tips on how to better use Facebook’s algorithm to your advantage.
Here’s what we’ve learned:
How many posts are competing with your posts to be seen? Each day, 350 million photos are uploaded to Facebook by their 1.79 billion active daily users. That’s a lot of inventory and competition. It’s not only the number of posts that you’re competing with but it’s also the quality.
Think about your personal newsfeed and who you see posts from. We know that Facebook monitors your behaviors and shows you posts that you most likely want to see from people you typically engage with. Facebook notices these certain behaviors and categorizes them into different signals that they use to judge as quality content.
We know the obvious signals are likes, comments, and shares but there are a few more behaviors that Facebook scores higher. These include sharing posts within Messenger, having multiple comments on one comment (a discussion), and reactions (love, care, sad, etc.).
Sharing in Messenger:
Sharing posts in messenger is a behavior that tells Facebook a post is very valuable, so much that sharing it privately to a friend means it must be important. The more shares in Messenger, the better your post will perform.
But how do you create a post that is valuable in Facebook’s eyes?
Start Conversations:
Posts that engage users by asking questions and starting conversations are more likely to be shown by Facebook’s algorithm in people’s newsfeeds.
Posts that have a lot of reactions tell Facebook that your post is content people are talking about and engaging with.
Avoid Bait:
Facebook is focusing on authentic content. This means that any engagement bait or tag bait you post will yield the desired reach you want. Facebook is searching for keywords like tag, like, comment, and share on your captions. Posts that read “like, comment and share” will be penalized and not shown to as many people compared to those without those bait words.
Avoid Negative Feedback:
It is said that 1 piece of negative feedback cancels out 100 pieces of positive feedback. Negative feedback on your posts could be a person hiding your page or post, unfollowing you, or marking your content as spam. It’s important to note that the “angry” reaction face is NOT a negative feedback signal. Because it’s a reaction, it’s considered positive.
Of course there are several other factors that come into play when considering Facebook’s algorithm. A general rule is to stay up-to-date on Facebook’s ever-changing algorithm so you don’t miss out on opportunities to share your content to the right people.